Our Services

Patent Filing

The patent is a title that allows an invention to be marketed.

Objects, machinery, substances, chemical processes or procedures that have not previously been filed in the territory of interest may be patented.

Today it is possible to file a patent at national, European or international level, depending on the needs of the inventor and who markets the product.


Why file a Patent?

Filing a patent is the first step to give value to an invention.

There are two types of patent in Italy: "patents for inventions" and "utility models". In the first case, the right has a duration of 20 years, in the second case, since it is a modification made to an already existing object, the exclusivity of the patent is reduced to 10 years.

In any case, the patent is the most important form of protection for the device itself and for its economic value.

And there is more. Industrial property rights are important intangible assets for companies.

Rubino & Partners offers its clients integrated approach tools, administrative, legal and technical support at all stages: prior art search, filing, transfer or protection extension of patents.

Contact us now for advice tailored to your invention.

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Valuation of Intangible


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Studio Rubino Srl
PI: 02316340799

Via Cola di Rienzo, 265
00193 ROMA (RM)
Tel: (+39) 0350075287