About Us

We protect the value of innovation

Rubino & Partners is the professional reference point for the enhancement and protection of Intellectual property on the national, European and international territory. With five operating offices in Italy (Bergamo, Rome, Catanzaro, Bari and Catania), Studio Rubino & Partners supports companies in all activities related to the drafting, filing and watching of Trademarks, Patents, Designs and Models. Thanks to the experience gained in the field of engineering and new technologies since 1968, Rubino & Partners offers effective support to companies that take to the field to generate innovation.



Via Cola di Rienzo, 265
00193 ROMA (RM)


Via Cola di Rienzo, 265
00193 ROMA (RM)


P.zza Giovanni Verga, 16
95125 Catania (CT)


Via L. Della Valle, 84
88100 Catanzaro (CZ)

The Rubino & Partners team of professionals

is highly specialized in the different disciplines useful to companies - and individuals - who need safe guidance in the field of Trademarks, Patents and Copyright.

Giuseppe Rubino

Sole Administrator

Paola Rotella


Claudia Scalzo

Administration and Finance Department

Mariaconcetta Fiorentino

Sales Department

Rosario Scalzo

Patent Technical Department

Noemi Sgammotta

Patent Technical Department

Martina Folino

Trademark Secretariat Department

Legal Council

Roberto Spagnolo

Area Legale e Commerciale

Chiara Zappa

Trademarks Department

Carmen Tempesta

Legal Department

Studio Rubino Srl
PI: 02316340799

Via Cola di Rienzo, 265
00193 ROMA (RM)
Tel: (+39) 0350075287